20 April 2006

Boston Phoenix 100 Unsexiest Men

Alternative weekly paper The Boston Phoenix recently published its' inaugural '100 Unsexiest Men' list. Being the voracious pop culture reader that I am, I couldn't help myself and took a look at the list.

Number One?

Gilbert Gottfried. Not a surprise.

Number Six?

Dr. Phil. This was not exactly a shocker, either.

And then, at number eighty-four... my heart skipped a beat. It was ME!


It's clear to me now that the editorial staff at The Phoenix have made some sort of terrible mistake. Look at those eyes - gently upturned as if to say "Hold me." The form - as if cut from the finest Corinthian marble. Now, I'm the first to admit that perhaps I don't fit into the trendy definition of sexy. I suppose my "urban outdoorsman" look doesn't fit in with the twenty-first century's androgynous heroin chic beauty ideal. I guess my rough, unkempt and dangerous appeal might frighten some women, and certainly some men. I suppose I may harken back to the golden age of Hollywood, when men were men, and dames were dames.

You know what, world? You can keep your pretty boy Jon Secadas and your delicate Orlando Blooms!

Give me the Cary Grants, the John Waynes, the Humphrey Bogarts of the world!

Give me the DAVE MIXES, damnit.

The entire article is here, if you really want to see it.

11 April 2006

The Coward Files

We couldn't be happier to announce that Ryan Arnold's debut collection of short stories, 'The Coward Files,' has been accepted for publication by conundrum press.

Please visit the official site for details. And even though it's not out yet, why not let conundrum press know how excited you are about it?

10 April 2006

gorms likes cardinals.

Here is a picture of Gorms holding his pet cardinal, Jeff.

There are three things Gorms really likes about Jeff:

1) His nesting instinct
2) The way he helps control the silkworm population
3) His plumage

Due to his disdain for the eagle, Gorms has been banned from the upcoming Easter Extreme Camping Adventure and Wildie Hunt, or EECAWH.

Say that acronym loudly. "EECAWH! EECAWH!" Sounds like an eagle to me.

06 April 2006

Brothers, regale!

As Harlem continues its quest for yet another championship, I thought I would leave you with this stirring image of three brothers.

They are the "power forwards" of the wilderness, friends. Where we seek goals and assists, these brothers seek simply to soar with infinite majesty.

Yet are we really so different? Are we really so far from one another?

04 April 2006

prom aftermath.

sometimes they just get things right. as predicted, d. mix and c. graham were named prom king and queen. here is a shot of us just before our coronation...

we had a very good time.

cath has a very solid crew in the limestone city. praise be to sarah, elena, pam, andrew, emily, pat, jeff, mel and victoria for taking excellent care of the kid and being so nice.

here the big c and sarah get down...

this shot is me and cath and sarah at the tom green/keepin' it real crew show in january...

we were featured on famed kingston website barshots.ca... did you ever play that game 'which of these things does not belong'?

in the end, c. graham rules. see you soon kid.

Best records I have bought recently.

Honourable mention to Cat Power 'The Greatest' and Giant Drag 'Hearts and Unicorns' but these kick recent ass.

Islands 'Return to the Sea'

Neko Case 'Fox Confessor Brings the Flood'

The Meligrove Band 'Planets Conspire'

Also we have THE JOEL PLASKETT EMERGENCY May 5th Dicks on Dicks. I have tickets for Yads, Dan and Ed, so if you are not them you better get your ticket.

01 April 2006


Tonight is the big Queen's Law prom. There are all sorts of rumours going around that Cath and I may be crowned King and Queen, but I never like to assume anything...

Well, I've got news for you - if it happens, this wouldn't be the first time we've been honoured. Here is a photo of our coronation ceremony at Concordia Prom 2001. Can you believe Cath's hair? It's obvious I've been hitting the gym since then too. Ah, memories.

I'm also excited to meet all of Cath's school chums. Here is a photo of all of them at last year's Fall Harvest Dance (thanks Dave Suchon for the photo). If looks are anything to go by, I think we are all going to have a great night!